Learning about the more than human world
Białowieża Forest The Białowieża Forest World Heritage site, on the border between Poland and Belarus, is an immense range of primary forest including both conifers and broadleaved trees covering a total area of 141,885 hectares. Situated on the watershed of the Baltic Sea and Black Sea, this transboundary property is exceptional for the opportunities it offers for biodiversity conservation. It is home to the largest population of the property’s iconic species, the European bison.
Biodiversity a-z. UN Environment Programme
Birds of the World. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Botanical Series of Books: Reaktion’s Botanical series is the first of its kind, integrating horticultural and botanical writing with a broader account of the cultural and social impact of trees, plants and flowers. Accessibly written yet encompassing the latest scholarship, each title features around 100 fine images, including c. 50 in colour.
Elephants as Persons, affective apprenticeship, and fieldwork with nonhuman informants in Nepal by Piers Locke
Field Guide to the Trees of Britain and Europe By Alan Birkett
The Fortingall Yew, Perthshire Scotland
Glitter in the Green, The by Jon Dunn. No family of birds has quite the compelling allure offered by the hummingbird. For centuries they have captured our imaginations: revered by Native Americans, coveted by European collectors and admired worldwide for their jewel-like plumage, acrobatic flight and immense character.Though their renown extends throughout the world, hummingbirds are found exclusively in the Americas. Small in stature yet fiercely tenacious, they have conquered every habitat imaginable: from boreal woodlands to deserts, mangrove swamps to volcanic slopes, and on islands both tropical and sub-polar. The Glitter in the Green takes us on an unforgettable journey in search of the most remarkable examples of this wildly variable family. There’s the Bee Hummingbird in Cuba, the smallest species of bird to have ever lived; the diminutive Rufous Hummingbird, whose annual migration exceeds 3,000 miles; and the critically endangered Juan Fernández Firecrown, marooned on the remote Pacific island that inspired Robinson Crusoe. Jon Dunn brings us closer than ever before to these magnificent creatures, exploring a heady mix of rare birds, a history redolent with mythology, and the colourful stories of the people obsessed with hummingbirds through the ages. With great passion for his subject and a taste for adventure, Dunn transports us to wondrous landscapes from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, and invites us into the kaleidoscopic world of the hummingbird – the bird that has won the hearts and minds of mankind for millennia.
Habri Central: Resources for the Study of the Human-Animal Bond Website
How to Identify the Common Native Trees of North America
Monumental Trees :The Tallest and Oldest Trees in Canada
NatureScot: Scotland’s Flowering Plants
NHBS Guide to UK Small Mammal Identification
NHBS Guide to Seaweed Identification
Phenomenology of Landscape by Christopher Tilley. Offers a new approach to landscape perception.This book is an extended photographic essay about topographic features of the landscape. It integrates philosophical approaches to landscape perception with anthropological studies of the significance of the landscape in small-scale societies.
RSPB Bird Identifier UK
The Geography of Childhood: Why Children Need Wild Places by Gary Paul Nabhan and Stephen Trimble
The Global 200: Priority ecoregions for global conservation By Olson and Dinerstein, 2002
The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch. From the Website:
This film explores four decades of research on the evolution of Galápagos finches, which has illuminated how species form and diversify. Evolutionary biologists Rosemary and Peter Grant spent four decades tracking changes in body traits directly tied to survival in the famous Galápagos finches. They also identified behavioral characteristics that prevent different species from breeding with one another. Their pioneering studies documented natural selection in real time and revealed clues about how 13 distinct finch species arose from a single ancestral population that migrated from the mainland 2 million to 3 million years ago.
The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen
Tree Canada
United Kingdom Ospreys: An information website about UK Ospreys